April 1945. Bomb shattered London is exhausted after nearly six years of conflict. In Europe the war is entering its final phase and across the seas, the Japanese will soon face defeat. For the dockers of Bermondsey, Rotherhithe and Deptford, the Southern Area Cup Final at Wembley between Millwall and Chelsea provides a welcome relief from the austerities of the day.
To commemorate this historic moment, NOLU magazine has designed the fifth badge in the Millwall history series. Using the colours of the Union Jack, the design incorporates the Victory V symbol with the word 'Millwall' across the top, 'War Cup' down the left side of the V and 'Final' on the right side'. In the central white area the year 1945 is marked alongside our nickname the 'Lions'.
At the base of the V is the usual NOLU tag.
To buy please forward £5 per badge as follows;
CHEQUE - made payable please to 'Nick Hart' c/o NOLU, PO Box 62554, London E6 9GH
PAYPAL - pleased forward £5 per badge to noluthemag@hotmail.co.uk
CASH - I will have these badges on me when we sell NOLU before the next home game on the 16th January. If anyone would like me to reserve a copy for collection on the day, please email me via noluthemag@hotmail.co.uk
Profits from these badges will benefit - deBRA www.debra.org.uk - the national charity working on behalf of people in the UK with the genetic skin blistering condition Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB).